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Dental Implants

Welling Dental Clinic dental implants in Kent. We are one of the few clinics in the UK to offer this fantastic treatment, giving you functional new teeth in just one day.Usually, dental implants have to bond with your jaw bone before we can place your new tooth or teeth on it, a process which usually takes several months. However, thanks to state-of-the-art 3D X-ray system, and the latest advances in dental implants, we can now provide you with a great set of new teeth in just one day!We use a procedure called All-on-4, which has been developed by respected implant manufacturers Nobel Biocare. This uses just four implants to support an upper or lower denture, and you can leave our practice the same day with fixed, non-removable teeth! This compares to more traditional procedures which can require six or more implants and up to 18 months of treatment.What are immediate loading implants (teeth in a day)?Immediate loading implants are a procedure whereby dental implants and a temporary prosthesis are placed at the same time. This technique allows for healing of bone tissue allowing faster integration into the bone so there is no waiting period for fixed teeth as they can be placed immediately. This offers both aesthetic and functional advantages unlike with traditional dentures which are supported on gum tissue reduces discomfort, allowing you to smile and eat comfortably from day one.Who is a good candidate for immediate loading implants?As long as there is an adequate quantity and quality of bone, we can help all our patients with immediate loading implants no matter how many teeth are missing.Advantages of immediate loading implantsThe main advantage of immediate loading implants is that chewing ability and aesthetics can be improved on the same day as the surgery. It also helps patients wear fixed teeth instead of removable dentures which can be difficult to eat and speak with.The ProcedureYou will usually need to visit us once or twice before the day of treatment, so we can talk to you about the treatment and your expectations, and carry out all necessary preparation, oral stability, including X-rays, impressions (moulds) of the area to be treated, and photos. We will put together a written treatment plan so you know exactly what to expect.On the day of treatment, we will place all your implants, numbing your mouth completely so you won’t feel any pain. Once the implants are fitted, we will check them, fit your replacement teeth, and make any necessary adjustments. When you leave, you will have new teeth that will look and feel very realistic and will be completely functional.You will need to see us for occasional check-ups over the next six months or so. When your gums have completely healed and your implants have bonded with the bone, we will take new impressions of your mouth and create a final, stronger, permanent set of teeth.UK Made Titanium Dental Implants from Osteo Care and Strauman Dental Implants – WellingBone Graft from Bio-OssGeistlich Bio-Oss®️ is the leading bone substitute for regenerative dentistry worldwide. The outstanding osteo-conductive properties of Geistlich Bio-Oss®️ lead to effective and predictable bone regeneration.Dental Implants are used to replace the roots of missing teeth, they are titanium alloy screws that firmly attach to the jawline. They are used to replace one or more teeth , support a bridge and eliminate the need for removable partial denture and provide support for a denture making it more secure and comfortable.A large majority of people suffer from a great deal of discomfort when it comes to wearing loose or ill fitting dentures, this can then result in a withdrawal of social engagements due to the reduced confidence and low self esteem that has been caused by ill fitting dentures. With the successful placement of ball type implants you can then resolve any social and practical problems that you may have suffered from previously that were caused.Ball Type Implants have been in use for many years and they have been proven to stabilise dentures and to be highly successful.A full implant asessement will be carried out prior to any treatment commencing.The procedure to fit dental implants is a very simple process and will generally only take a short amount of time although this is dependant on each individual case. It is common to work on one jaw at a time as this is found to be more acceptable for both the patient and the dentist.The procedure of having dental implants fitted is non surgical and is usually performed under local anaesthesia so you will feel no pain during the procedure at all. There is slight discomfort that will be felt after the procedure but this is to be expected and can be treated with a mild painkiller. You can also eat a soft diet almost immediately after the procedure.Once the bone and soft tissue have healed – usually within three months, impressions will be taken for your new crown / bridge.